Bring Your Internet Marketing Questions

Your instructor will focus directly on the subjects promised in this announcement, but you can also bring your own list of specific Q's so you'll get A's on important queries like these:

1. How can I get customers to visit my web site again and again?

2. Can a home page "fit" with a long-term marketing plan?

3. Who's doing great on the Web and how can I emulate them?

4. How do I get a new Internet user to find my site?

5. Is it wise to use some of the contests and other gimmicks I've seen, or do they destroy my company's image?

6. How can I safely accept payments for orders via the Internet?

7. How can I measure the effectiveness of my Internet investment?

8. What kind of marketing follow-up programs work best with leads generated from Web pages?

9. Should my company participate in chat rooms, news groups, forums, and other specialized Web communications?

10. How interactive should my Web marketing be?

11. What's a realistic prediction of response and profits from savvy marketing on the Internet?