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What are your primary determinants for attending a conference/seminar? Please indicate on a scale of 1 to 10 (1=High and 10=Low)
Topic(s)............12 3 4567 8910Speaker(s)..........12 3 4567 8910Group Discounts.....1 2345 6789 10Peer Interaction....12 34567 8910Location............12 3456 78910 Costs............... 12345 6789 10Other:..............
Please indicate on a scale of 1 to 10 (1=excellent and 10=poor) which cities you prefer to attend conferences/seminars.
San Francisco.......12345 6789 10Los Angeles.........123 45 6789 10Dallas..............123 45 6789 10Chicago.............123 45 6789 10New York City.......123 45 6789 10Denver..............123 45 6789 10Phoenix.............123 45 6789 10Atlanta.............123 45 6789 10Orlando.............123 45 6789 10Seattle.............123 45 6789 10Portland............123 45 6789 10Las Vegas...........123 45 6789 10Other US city.(include 1-10 score)....... Canada (list city).(include 1-10 score).. Europe (list city).(include 1-10 score).. Asia (list city).(include 1-10 score)....
What sources of information most influence your attending conferences/seminars:
Direct Mail.........High MediumLowSales Calls.........HighMedium LowAdvertisements...... HighMediumLowColleagues..........HighMedium LowMagazine Articles... HighMediumLow
How much notification do you require for attending a conference/seminar? 6-9 mos3-6 mos3 mosless than 3 mos
How many conferences/seminars do you attend per year? 10 or more5 or moreless than 5
What is the best time of year for you to attend a conference/seminar? Fall WinterSpringSummer
Technology Topics at Conferences Seminar
Internet/World Wide Web:............Very valuable Somewhat valuableNot at all valuable No opinionElectronic Commerce:................Very valuableSomewhat valuable Not at all valuableNo opinion Security Issues:....................Very valuableSomewhat valuable Not at all valuableNo opinion Client/Server Computing:............Very valuableSomewhat valuable Not at all valuableNo opinion Middleware Solutions:...............Very valuableSomewhat valuable Not at all valuableNo opinion Enterprise Integration:.............Very valuableSomewhat valuable Not at all valuableNo opinion Distributed Systems Management:.....Very valuableSomewhat valuable Not at all valuableNo opinion Parallel Processing:................Very valuableSomewhat valuable Not at all valuableNo opinion Object Computing:................... Very valuableSomewhat valuableNot at all valuable No opinion System and Network Administration:..Very valuable Somewhat valuableNot at all valuable No opinion Database Management and Technology:.Very valuableSomewhat valuable Not at all valuableNo opinion Data Warehousing:...................Very valuableSomewhat valuable Not at all valuableNo opinion Software Development:...............Very valuableSomewhat valuable Not at all valuableNo opinion Other #1:......Very valuableSomewhat valuable Not at all valuableNo opinion Other #2:......Very valuableSomewhat valuable Not at all valuableNo opinion Other #3:......Very valuableSomewhat valuable Not at all valuableNo opinion
Which content level do you prefer?
Management Level...Advanced..Intermediate..Beginner Technical Level....Advanced..Intermediate..Beginner
Which venue do you prefer? Academic tutorial with lectureAcademic tutorial with hands-on labRoundtable discussions with end user participation Formal presentations led by industry expertsPanel discussions showcasing solution case studiesOther...
General comments or recommendations
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