Creating a Simple Home Page Form

1) <HTML>
2) <HEAD>
3) <TITLE> XYZ Inc.'s Request for Additional Information</TITLE>

4) <LINK REV="made" HREF="">
5) </HEAD>
6) <BODY>
7) <IMG SRC="/gifs/xyxlogo.gif" ALT="XYZ Inc.">
8) <H1>Information Request</H1>
9) Please enter your information request and contact information and it will
10) be emailed to XYZ Inc. staff.<P>
11) <FORM ACTION="/htbin/email/">
12) <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="general" CHECKED> General Information<BR>
13) <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="new"> New Product Information<BR>
14) <I>What new product information would you like?</I><BR>
16) <OPTION SELECTED>Standard Gizmos
17) <OPTION SELECTED>High Performance Gizmos
18) <OPTION SELECTED>Plasma Processor Gizmos
19) <OPTION SELECTED>Liquid Cooled Plasma Gizmos
20) </SELECT>
21) </P>
22) <INPUT NAME="fname" SIZE="30"> First Name<BR>
23) <INPUT NAME="lname" SIZE="30"> Last Name <BR>
24) <INPUT NAME="address1" SIZE="30"> Address 1 <BR>
25) <INPUT NAME="address2" SIZE="30"> Address 2 <BR>
26) <INPUT NAME="city" SIZE="20"> City <BR>
27) <INPUT NAME="state" SIZE="2"> State <BR>
28) <INPUT NAME="zip" SIZE="10"> Zipcode <BR>
29) <INPUT NAME="email" SIZE="30"> Your email address <BR>
30) <INPUT NAME="subject" SIZE="30"> Subject <BR>
31) <INPUT NAME="phone" SIZE="30"> Phone <BR>
32) <INPUT NAME="fax" SIZE="30"> FAX<BR>
33) <P>
34) Comments: <BR>
35) <TEXTAREA NAME="text" ROWS=8 COLS=60>
37) <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit">
38) <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Reset"> <P>
39) </FORM>
40) <HR>
41) <ADDRESS>&lt;;</ADDRESS>
42) <A HREF="/Welcome.htm"><IMG SRC="/gifs/xyzhome.gif" ALT="HOME"></A>
43) </BODY>
44) </HTML>