From the Publisher
A Word from Our Director of Publications
Publishing for IS Professionals: A Team Effort
UniForum's publications staff, from left to right: Leslie Zimmerman,
Cedric Braun, Jeffrey Bartlett, Cheri DeBusk and Dick Shippee.
UniForum's many publications are all products of the association's publications
department and, as the ringleader of this ink-stained group, I thought it
was time to bring them out from behind their monitors into the glare of
editorial publicity.
I date myself by using the hoary expression "ink-stained," when
of course we've long since gone digital. When the first copy of our 1996
Open Systems Products Directory rolled off press, it was the first time
that massive document existed on paper. All editing and proofing cycles
were done online, and the final digital file went to the printer in a simple
#10 envelope. UniForum's IT Solutions likewise is entirely
produced electronically in-house, then sent to our printer, who takes the
file directly to plates.
The desktop revolution has been a boon to associations like UniForum, giving
us the means to control the look and feel of the materials we want to send
to our members. The techniques of desktop publishing, online publishing
and now Web-ready publishing require professionals whose skills make it
possible for articles written anywhere in the world to be sent electronically
to our offices where they are edited, designed, proofed and printed--sometimes
all within hours of receipt.
The gang at UniForum that proudly brings you magazines, newsletters, directories,
white papers, books and more has many talents. For example, Jeffrey Bartlett,
executive editor, is in charge of our editorial direction. In the early
1990s Jeff helped get UniForum publications off the ground with his contributions
as editor and writer in CommUNIXations and UniForum Monthly, the
predecessors of UniForum's IT Solutions. He has a rare combination
of skills: thorough computer industry knowledge coupled with deft writing
and an eagle eye that catches sight of poor efforts long before they approach
print. During the course of 10 years in the industry, Jeff has written and
edited for more than a dozen IT-related publications.
Jeff is ably assisted by Cedric Braun, managing editor. Cedric, who
has edited publications in the electronic defense, communications and semiconductor
industries before cutting his Unix teeth at UniForum, is our "do-everything"
editor--from editing magazine columns and departments and UniNews
to serving as production interface. He is the editorial juggler all staffs
Cheri DeBusk, manager of art and production, is the magician who
masters the mysteries of graphics and design tools to produce the visually
pleasing pages you see in every issue. Her talents for page layout are eagerly
sought also by UniForum's marketing and professional training departments,
for whom she produces a wide array of materials.
Leslie Zimmerman--at age 26, already a six-year veteran at UniForum--is
production assistant and the force behind the Open Systems Products Directory,
driving the year-long data-acquisition and data-entry effort. She also leads
our effort in getting UniNews and UniForum's IT Solutions
onto the Web, having taught herself how by reading UniForum's own books
on Web servers and home pages!
These folks make my job easy. I've heard many compliments from members on
how our publications look, how useful their contents are and how they make
UniForum membership worthwhile. The kudos go to our pubs staff: Jeff, Cedric,
Cheri and Leslie. Thanks, guys!
Dick Shippee is director of publications for UniForum.
He can be reached at