At UniForum '94: The Winners Are ...

The 1994 UniForum Conference was the perfect opportunity to recognize the winners of recent UniForum promotions.

The winner of the drawing for the laptop computer from Acer America Corp. for the UniForum Member-Get-A-Member Contest was Otto Hutter from Hungary. Mr. Hutter manages an Open Systems Training Center in Budapest and is also a free-lance journalist with several Hungarian publications, newsletters and books. He has used UNIX for 10 years and has been a member of UniForum since 1991. Mr. Hutter recruited new members to UniForum during the 1993-94 promotion and his name was picked in a random drawing at the conclusion of the contest on Feb. 28, 1994. He was presented the laptop at the 1994 Conference.

The grand prize winner of UniForum's Member-Get-A-Member Contest was Randall Shockley. Mr. Shockley is president of Micro Zeit, Inc., a micro-to-mainframe open systems consulting and training company based in Washington, DC.

He has used UNIX for 14 years and has been a UniForum member since 1990. Mr. Shockley won an all-expense-paid trip to the UniForum Show and Conference, as well as free conference registration, for recruiting the most members during the promotion.

The winnner of the "Road To Open Systems" promotion was Allen Jeng. Mr. Jeng visited UniForum corporate sponsors' booths at the UniForum Trade Show March 23 through 25 and had them stamp his special "Road Map" promotion card. His completed card was drawn at the conclusion of the show on Friday, March 25, by Richard Jaross, Executive Director of the UniForum Association. Mr. Jeng also won a laptop computer from Acer America Corp. He is a busy person. Not only is he a full-time student at Golden Gate University, where he hopes to receive his M.S. in Telecommunications Management at the end of this summer, but he interns for for GeneSys, Inc., of San Bruno, CA, on its network management staff. He also has his own computer consulting and system administration business. He will be looking for a permanent full-time position after graduation. He reports that the laptop is already a big help in both his studies and his business.

Congratulations to all our winners!