Conference & Seminar Member Survey

Your opinion is very valuable to us. The first 100 responses will receive a gift from UniForum as a token of our appreciation for your time.

UniForum is planning a series of "Best of UniForum" conferences and seminars to follow UF '95 next March. To better serve you, our members, please take a moment to complete the following questionnaire so we can plan accordingly.

Name: ____________________________________________________________________ 

Title: _____________________________________________________________________ 

Company: _________________________________________________________________ 

Address: __________________________________________________________________ 

City: ________________________________ State: _____ Zip: ______________________ 

Country: _____________________________ Telephone: ( ____) _____________________ 

E-mail: ______________________________ Fax: (____) ___________________________ 

How many computer industry conferences/seminars do you attend annually? 

____ 0-5 ____ 5-10 ____ over 10 

What are your primary determinants for attending a conference/seminar? 

Please indicate on a scale of 1 to 10 (1- high and 10- low). 

____ Topic(s) ____ Speaker(s) ____ Group Discounts ____ Peer Interaction 

____ Location ____ Costs ____ Other:_____________________________ 

Please indicate on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 - excellent and 10-poor) 
which cities you prefer to attend conferences/seminars. 

____ San Francisco             ____ Minneapolis   _____ Europe (list city below)

____ Los Angeles               ____ Atlanta       _________________ 

____ Dallas                    ____ Orlando       _________________ 

____ Chicago                   ____ Seattle       _____ Asia (list city below) 

____ New York City             ____ Portland      _________________ 

____ Denver                    ____ Las Vegas     _________________ 

____ Other (list city below)   ____ Boston 

________________               ____ Canada (list city below) 

________________               __________________ 

What sources of information most influence your attending conferences/seminars: 

                  High Medium Low 

Direct Mail       _____ _____ _____ 

Sales Calls       _____ _____ _____ 

Advertisements    _____ _____ _____ 

Colleagues        _____ _____ _____ 

Magazine Articles _____ _____ _____ 

Technology Trend Topics at Conferences/Seminars: (please check) 

                                Very      Somewhat  Not At        No 
                                Valuable  Valuable  All Valuable  Opinion 

Client/Server Computing         ______    ______    ______        ______  

Distributed Systems Mgmt.       ______    ______    ______        ______  

Large, High-Volume Solutions    ______    ______    ______        ______ 

PCs in the Open Sys. Environ.   ______    ______    ______        ______ 

MFs in the Open Sys. Environ.   ______    ______    ______        ______ 

Mission-Critical Open Systems   ______    ______    ______        ______ 

Capacity Mgmt. & Planning       ______    ______    ______        ______  

Internet/Information Highway    ______    ______    ______        ______  

Downsizing/Rightsizing          ______    ______    ______        ______  

Workgroup Solutions             ______    ______    ______        ______   

Object Computing                ______    ______    ______        ______    

Open Systems Networking         ______    ______    ______        ______   

Database Management             ______    ______    ______        ______   

Emerging Technologies & Apps.   ______    ______    ______        ______    

Open Operating Systems          ______    ______    ______        ______      

Software Development            ______    ______    ______        ______     



Which content level do you prefer: 

____ Management Level ____ Technical Level 

Which venue do you prefer: 

____ Tutorial (academic) 

____ Roundtable Discussions (with end user participation) 

____ Formal Presentations (led by industry experts) 

____ Panel Discussions (showcasing solution case studies) 

____ Other:_________________________________________________________________ 

What is the most valuable computer industry conference/seminar 
you've attended and why? 

Thank you for your time. Please e-mail or fax your response to 

Deborah Bonnin at UniForum, 
fax (408) 986-1645.