Looking for a Few Good Writers

Are you an open systems professional with expertise in a particular area such as security, procurement, networking, or object technology? Do you focus on specifics while also taking a broader view? Do you have something to say and the desire to get it into print? If so, we'd like to talk with you.

UniForum Monthly is the magazine for open systems professionals. We're looking for writers who have a solid grounding in topics pertinent to the open systems industry and the ability to write informed, articulate, opinionated, and sometimes amusing articles. This isn't a call for promotional material or marketing hype. It is an invitation to open systems professionals who would like to use their expertise, keen view of the industry, and strong writing skills to contribute to our features or departments.

If you're interested in the possibility of writing for us, send your resume and samples of your writing to:

   Meg Peterson
   2901 Tasman Dr., #205 
   Santa Clara, CA 95054 