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YOU MUST BE A MEMBER OF UNIFORUM TO PARTICIPATE 1. Your name Shall we print your name in UniNews? Your UniForum Membership # (if available) 2. Where Hiring Companies May Reach You (include phone, fax and e-mail) 3. Title and Description of the Job You Want 4. Geographical Preference 5. Professional Experience and Qualifications 6. Highest Grade or Degree Achieved, and Where: 7. Salary Range $ 8. Availability You may mail or fax this form to: Sandy Parker UniForum Association 2901 Tasman Drive, Suite 205 Santa Clara, CA 95054 FAX: (408) 986-1645. GOOD LUCK!
Open Systems Veteran
Seeks employment or consulting in the Bay area as a software development manager, product manager or special project manager.
Technical specialties: object technology; operating systems, Unix, windows, and mac; distributed computing, systems management and computational linguistics.
Computer professional with 25 years experience and an excellent reputation in the industry. Education includes graduate studies in computer science and linguistics. Available Oct. 31.
Derek C. Kaufman, Tel: (408) 378-7836 Email: