The 1995 UniForum Achievement Awards **Ad**

Call For Nominees

Long established, and recognized throughout the open systems industry, the annual UniForum Achievement Awards will be announced at UniForum '95, in Dallas, on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 14 and 15.


Nominations for these prestigious awards are now being accepted by UniForum, and you are encouraged to submit nominees in two award categories. The criteria used for nominations should be work done over time that is of significant and lasting value to the open systems community.

Category 1: Academic/Government/Research

Work done by the nominees should have been accomplished either entirely or primarily under the auspices of an academic, government or research institution.

Category 2: Industry/Media

Work done by the nominees should have been accomplished primarily while employed or associated with vendors, end users, or the print and electronic media.

Procedures for Submitting Nominations

To submit a nomination send e-mail, fax or a letter to arrive at UniForum no later than January 13, 1995. All nominations must include: nominee's full name, present affiliation, award category, and a brief, succinct reason why the nominee should be selected as the winner.

Send nominations to: UniForum Achievement Awards
   fax: (408) 986-1645
  mail: UniForum 
        2901 Tasman Drive, Suite 205
        Santa Clara, CA 95054

The UniForum Achievement Award winners will be announced, and presentations made, during the Opening Keynote sessions during UniForum '95. Please participate in this important program that brings deserved attention to those whose contributions have meant the most to open systems.