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Sandy Parker
2901 Tasman Drive, Suite 205
Santa Clara, CA  95054
(408) 986-1645.

Positions Wanted

IT Strategic Planning

Expertise: Lead staff and team leader for planning information systems and IRM concepts, scope, strategy, life-cycle methodology, conceptual architectures, technology and standards assessment and strategy, and concept of operations. Also management and technical lead for data administration, relational database administration, data, process, and object modeling, JAD-sessions, and technical analysis and cost estimates (TA/CE) with 25 years overall experience involving a wide range of management information systems and programs.

Education: B.A. Mathematics (with Honors), University if Texas at Austin.

Availability: Flexible, with accommodation to current employer.

Geographical preference: Boston area, but would consider relocation.

Reply to: UniNews 
Box 1
c/o UniForum
2901 Tasman Drive, Suite 205
Santa Clara, CA 95054