June 17-18, 1999 - San Jose, CA

Length of Course: 2 Days

Tuition: $849

To register call 1-888-333-8649 or 1-831-662-9164 or e-mail: dmurray@uniforum.org

This accelerated technical course teaches advanced concepts and capabilities that can be used to write procedures in PERL. Attendees will learn to master the techniques of Perl programming.
Topics include:

  • Designing modules
  • Object-oriented design and programming
  • Associative arrays
  • References and complex data structures
  • Perl functions for networking, and much more!
Who Should Attend: Application programmers, system and network adminstrators, Web-site authors, Webmasters, and advanced users.

Pre-requisite: Perl programming and Perl application development experience.

To register: call 1-888-333-8649 or 1-831-662-9164 or email: dmurray@uniforum.org

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