The UniForum Association in conjunction with The Fisher
Center for Management
and Information Technology, Walter A. Haas School of Business, University
of California, Berkeley
Get the strategy, the implementation, and the practical
application knowledge you need to
move to the front of the information technology curve and ahead of the competition.
The IT Horizon '97 is a three-day educational program that focuses on advanced emerging technology issues on the horizon that will have the most significant impact on IS over the next year and into the next century. This Symposium will provide vital insights into today's ever-changing business environment through a single, highly focused event.
Designed exclusively for IT professionals, IT Horizon '97 encourages executives, IS managers, technical professionals, industry experts, and visionaries to join together in exploring the opportunities and implications of using Network Computers: Thin Clients and NetPCs in the networked enterprise. This program will provide the forum where attendees will evaluate successful case studies, obtain knowledge about the practical uses of the technology, and gain mindshare.
Managing technology change in the enterprise requires a collaborative effort among three IT constituencies. This Symposium will deliver information vital to each of these groups:
CIO executives will gain a thorough understanding of the business opportunities, its probable impact, and strategic implications of the technology.
IT managers will be able to weigh the advantages of the new technology's practical business solutions against its potential impact on system users, as well as the infrastructure of the existing IS environments.
IT technical staffs will obtain the education and practical guidance needed to implement these new products, technologies and solutions.
CIOs, IT Directors and Managers, System Architects, System Analysts, Senior Programmers, Software Developers, Network and System Managers, Engineers, System Integrators, and IT professionals considering a Networked Enterprise strategy.
"Strategic Business Implications:
From the Network Computer to the
Networked Enterprise"
"Where 'strategic thinking' evolves and Corporate IS planning begins"
This exclusive forum has been designed by CIOs for CIOs to provide up-to-the-minute knowledge about the newest leading edge technologies and the hottest topics of the day. The program will address strategic business issues relating to this new technology. To obtain an invitation, call Deborah Murray 1-800-255-5620, extension 12.
Learn how to implement the technology during this full day of in-depth training workshops:
CHOOSE FROM FOUR WORKSHOPS:Activating the Intranet and Internet
Using Java and ActiveX
Instructor: Max Dolgicer, Director, International Systems Group,
This workshop moves quickly beyond the hype surrounding Java, ActiveX and
Internet/Intranet by clearly defining the technology. It provides an in-depth
knowledge on "how to" apply Java and ActiveX technologies for
development of Internet and Intranet applications.
Audience: IT managers, IT planners, project managers and senior developers
selecting new technologies for corporate Intranet and Internet development.
Internet Security: Firewalls, Encryption,
Instructor: Rik Farrow, Consultant
This thorough one-day course provides the information needed to understand
the threats TCP/IP connectivity brings, and means of alleviating access
to a network, logging, providing alerts during attacks and even removing
potentially dangerous material from the mainstream.
Audience: Network managers and administrators, system administrators, those
interested in acquiring/configuring firewalls. Pre-requisites: An understanding
of TCP/IP networking and applications.
How to Develop an Electronic Commerce
Infrastructure and Set up an Extranet
Instructors: David Egan, President, DGE Solutions, Inc.
Dave Taylor, President and CTO, The Internet Mall, Inc.
This "how to" workshop focuses on the technical issues involved
with the installation of a Commerce Server utilizing Windows NT Server,
Security, IIS, Frontpage, Mercantec SoftCart or Internet Factory, and Cybercash.
The course takes attendees through a step-by-step installation of this environment,
to completion and operation.
Audience: IT managers and staff responsible for the implementation of Web-based
Leading Application and Development
Tools in the Networked Enterprise
Instructor: Frank Henderson, CTO, The Netplex Group, Inc.
This workshop looks at the new "thin client" development model,
the enabling technologies (database connectivity, ORB brokers, middleware,
etc.), the leading players (well-known and newcomers), and recommendations
for selecting software packages and toolsets. The first part of this workshop
serves as a guide to evolving networked technologies (mobile access, secure
transactions, etc.) and the new challenges for application developers. Representative
firms in the networked application development field will participate in
the afternoon.
Audience: IT managers, planners and developers needing an understanding
of application and development tools in the networked enterprise.
Choose from three unique two-day symposium tracks, each focused on a different aspect of the Networked Enterprise technology:
Track One: IT Management Horizon --
June 10-11, 1997
"Strategic Implications - Thin Clients, NetPCs, Robust Servers,
Universal Access"
This track is optimized for IS Managers who are, or will be, implementing
NC:Thin Client and NetPC environments. This is a unique opportunity for
IS managers to learn about the business and technology issues.
Track Two: IT Technical Horizon -- June
10-11, 1997
"Implementing Thin Clients, NetPCs, Robust Servers, Universal
This track is optimized for IS technical staffs who are, or will be, implementing
NC:Thin Client and NetPC environments. This track is where "planning"
evolves into practical information on installation and administration. This track is complemented by the technical workshops.
Track Three: Horizon '97 Case Studies
-- June 10-11, 1997
This track will provide a forum for all attendees to review a wide range
of exhibiting NC:Thin Client and NetPC projects and environments presented
by the companies throughout the world that are actually implementing them.
This is a unique opportunity for attendees to learn from the real-life experiences
of companies pioneering this technology.
In-depth case studies will be presented by:
IT Horizons '97 Solutions Showcase --- June 10-11, 1997
The Solutions Showcase will highlight network computing solutions in action. This Showcase will complement the Symposium.
Symposium Fees:
Fee includes comprehensive course handouts, a certificate of advanced achievement, admission to keynote addresses/solution showcase, and breaks.FEES | Earlybird (until May 9) |
After May 9 |
Walk-ins |
Technical Workshops | $295 |
$395 |
$495 |
Symposium and Showcase | $695 |
$795 |
$895 |
Passport* | $895 |
$995 |
n/a |
Group Rates: For 3 or more attendees, an additional 5% discount will be
UC Berkeley students should call 1-800-255-5620, extension 30 for special
discount rates.
Please note: Program subject to change
Hotel Reservations and Rates:
DoubleTree Hotel (formerly the Red Lion Inn)
San Jose, California
1-800-733-5466, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The DoubleTree Hotel (formerly the Red Lion Inn) is conveniently located adjacent to the San Jose International Airport.
UniForum Rates ....................................Concierge
Singles $169 .....................................Singles
Doubles $179.....................................Doubles $209
Triples $189
Quads $199
The DoubleTree Hotel rates are subject to applicable State and City taxes at the time of check-in. Currently, these taxes are 10%.
Cut-off Date: DoubleTree Hotel requests all reservations be received prior to May 8, 1997.
Reservations accepted after the above date will be on a space and rate availability basis only.
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